07 | 04 | 18
07 | 04 | 18
As shared by the professional writer/editor of this relationship
A long time ago in a state far, far away …
BaShaun, at his own wedding, told Nate there’s someone here you need to meet. I am not going to tell you who it is though. You will know.
The funny guy was right, for once. After a night of dancing, partying and celebrating our mutual friends’ wedding, Nate flew back to Oklahoma and shot Tiffany a Facebook friend request. Tiffany let the request sit for a week before accepting wondering if this guy was being friendly or interested in being more than friends. The first message probably said something cool and suave like, “Hey, what’s up. It’s Nate.”*
Facebook messages flew into text messages, which grew into Tiffany’s realization that phones can be used to call people (Real message from Nate: You know we can talk on the phone, too, right?) Several months later, those messages eventually led to both Nate and Tiffany being in San Francisco for work at the same time. Serendipity, perhaps? Tiffany introduced Nate to her love of wine on their first date at one of her favorite wine and tapas bars, the Press Club. A few weeks later Nate took a trip to Washington, D.C., to meet in person over the July 4 holiday weekend.
There was a double header at the drive-in movie theater, wine tasting, fireworks, a Beyonce/Jay Z concert and a decision to meet again -- this time in Oklahoma.
There were Thunder games, Sooner games, wine and painting, and teaching Tiffany to drive stick.
That was followed by trips as a globe trotting couple to South Africa and Portugal, where Tiffany promptly failed to put her ability to drive stick to use.**
After nearly two years of a long-distance relationship, Nate left Oklahoma. He figured the best way to see if the relationship was meant to be, was to spend 20 hours in a car together to literally move halfway across the country. Tiffany had one job to do, and that was to select a Spotify playlist. Mission accomplished.
Fast forward another year, add in minor brain surgery, home remodeling and a ring. Nate carried that ring with him for four weeks waiting for the right moment to propose. Finally, the fear of losing the ring while driving around Virginia forced his hand.***
Through sickness and health, home repairs and honey do-lists, and after deciding to adopt a dog, Nate and Tiffany are once again traveling to start the next chapter in their lifelong adventure...this time as soon-to-be husband and wife.
* I used to talk a big game … but I had no actual game. (TIFFANY: Facts.)
** In her defense, she did at least make it out of the parking garage in Portugal.
***The ring was given after renovating the loft. Covered in sweat and paint, she totally handled the impromptu gift with poise and grace. ****
****For anyone that doesn’t know me, I am being sarcastic. (TIFFANY: In my defense, I was not at all expecting it. But it was perfect.)
All photography provided by Luis Piteira.